The ASE Education Awards have been established by the Association for Surgical Education to recognize the dedication of surgical educators. The awards are meant to highlight and encourage outstanding teachers and surgical educators. Additionally, the awards will provide documentation of teaching excellence to support promotion and tenure decisions and will further emphasize teaching as an important area of academic expertise.
The ASE is pleased to offer eight awards for education scholarship and teaching. You must be a member of the Association for Surgical Education to apply or be nominated. You may self nominate only for the Distinguished Mid-Career Educator and Excellence in Innovation in Surgical Education awards. You must be nominated by another ASE member to receive the Clerkship Coordinator Recognition, Promising Medical Student Surgery Education Research, Outstanding Resident Teacher, Linnea Hauge, PhD, Promising Educational Scholar, Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding Teacher, and Distinguished Master Educator awards. The specific criteria for each award are below.
Excellence in Surgical Education Awards
Clerkship Coordinator Recognition
The ASE Clerkship Coordinator Recognition Award will be given annually to one undergraduate surgical education clerkship coordinator who best exemplifies excellence in the support and management of the surgery clerkship program at their institution.
Promising Medical Student Surgery Education Research Award
The Promising Medical Student Surgery Education Research Award will be made annually to up to three medical students who have completed at least two years of medical school who have an interest in surgery and who are considered by their faculty, residents, fellows, or their peers (other medical students) to demonstrate a passion, enthusiasm, and commitment to surgery education research.
The Outstanding Resident Teacher Award will be given annually to up to three residents who have completed at least two years of clinical training and are considered by their faculty and peers (residents/students) to be outstanding resident teachers.
Linnea Hauge, PhD, Promising Educational Scholar
The Linnea Hauge, PhD, Promising Educational Scholar Award will be awarded annually to individuals who are either a senior resident/fellow (provided they completed at least three clinical years in a surgical residency) or are early career clinicians or MS/PhD educators within five years of practice. If the nominee is a resident, the program director should be involved in the nomination. The award goes to individuals demonstrating promise as a future leader and scholar in surgical education.
Distinguished Mid-Career Educator
The Distinguished Mid-Career Educator Award will be given to clinicians and/or MS/PhD educators who completed their training at least 6 years and no more than 20 years ago and have demonstrated teaching excellence at the national and/or international level. In addition to recognized skills as an excellent teacher, nominees for this award will need to provide clear documentation of consistent educational scholarship and significant contributions to surgical education that are recognized to have national and/or international impact.
Reed Williams Excellence in Innovation in Surgical Education Award
The Reed Williams Excellence in Innovation in Surgical Education Award is an award to recognize exemplary performance by surgical educators. This award is designed to advance the mission of the Association for Surgical Education to promote excellence, innovation, and scholarship in surgical education and is awarded annually. The intent is to recognize specific innovations (novel ideas and/or methods for improving teaching and learning) and reward collaboration in surgical education.
Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding Teacher
The Philip J. Wolfson Outstanding Teacher Award will be given annually to individuals who are actively involved in surgical education and who are considered by their chair, peers, residents, and/or students to be outstanding teachers.
The Distinguished Master Educator Award will be given annually to advanced career clinicians and/or MS/PhD educators who have demonstrated excellence as master educators recognized on the national and/or international level.
2023-2024 Awards Committee
Immediate Past Chair: John Falcone, MD
Chair: Cate Unruh, MEd
Member at Large: James Korndorffer, MD
Member at Large: Phoenix Chen, MD
Vice-President, ASE: Aimee Gardner, PhD
Click Here to View The Full List of Previous Award Winners
For any questions, please contact the ASE Office at [email protected].