Once you hit submit, your score will be submitted and this page will refresh to show a blank form. Please submit a score for each application in the award category. Name of Reviewer(Required)Your name First Last Name of Applicant(Required)Name of the application you are scoring First Last Score Each Category:Score the applicant on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest score.Clear Goals(Required)Is the innovation unique? Is it important? Is the problem clearly defined? Is the problem local or does it affect a broader audience?12345Adequate Preparation(Required)Was it based on a needs analysis or demonstrated need? Did it reflect what is currently known about the problem? Were all stakeholders included (including the learner?12345Collaboration(Required)Did it demonstrate adequate preparation?12345Appropriate Methods(Required)Did the innovation follow clear goals and objectives? Did it use sound educational theory/methods? Was it implemented appropriately?12345Significant Results(Required)Were outcomes measured? Were the results positive and significant? What has been the impact or the potential impact? Is the innovation sustainable and reproducible?12345Effective Presentation(Required)Has the innovation /its results been disseminated?12345Strength of Letter of Support(Required)12345Additional Comments or Feedback for the Awards CommitteePhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.